Please fill in the form below in order to create your personal account

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Who are you?

First name

Only your first name will be displayed on the website.

Last name

Your last name won't be displayed on the website.

Date of birth

Select using the calendar


Choose from the options below


Choose from the options below

Type of employer / family

Choose from the options below

Profile photo

Select a photo which shows your face clearly. For the best result, use a square photo. Please don't use photos which contain white bars on top, bottom, left or right side.

Job title

This short title will be placed on top of your job description and should be inviting

You are not allowed to share your contact details here.

Job description

Tell what kind of helper you’re searching for, what duties he/she will be responsible for and tell something personal about yourself / your family

You are not allowed to share your contact details here.

Job availability

Currently looking for a helper

Choose from the options below

Job period

Job period starts

Select using the calendar

Job period ends

Select using the calendar

Job location

Job location

Choose from the options below. If your city is not listed, see this page for more info.

Job requirements

Language(s) spoken

Choose from the options below

Caring skills

Choose from the options below

Cooking skills

Choose from the options below

Special skills

Choose from the options below

Education level

Choose from the options below

Years of experience

Choose from the options below

Maritime experience

Choose from the options below


Monthly salary offered

Enter the amount in EUR

Currency converter

Choose from the options below

Private room

Choose from the options below

Your account & login details

Email address

Use an email which you check regularly for new email

Verify email address

Confirm your email address


Use a password that you won't forget

Verify password

Confirm your password


Choose wether to display or hide your profile

We advise you display your profile, since you won’t be visible for helpers in case you set it to hide. More info can be found here


 No criminal record

We need to make sure that you don't have a criminal record or criminal past

Terms & conditions

In order to sign up for your account, you require to read, understand and accept our terms & conditions

Privacy statement

In order to sign up for your account, you require to read, understand and accept our privacy statement