Within this article, we’ve mentioned our answers to some frequently asked questions.
Register a new account
I experience issues at signing-up for a new employer account
Go to this page for more info.
Not being able to login
I suddenly cannot login to my account anymore
If you were able to login successfully before and cannot login to your account anymore, your account may be suspended, for example due to abuse.
I cannot find the profile of the helper which I saved to ‘My saved helpers’ before
The helper has probably disabled or deleted his profile, or his profile might be suspended due to abuse.
I purchased the contact details of a helper, but I cannot find the profile of this helper anymore
The helper has probably disabled or deleted his profile, or his profile might be suspended due to abuse.
Helper profiles
Why is it important to check the ‘Current work situation’ status of a helper?
Before you decide to purchase the contact details of a helper, it’s important to check his ‘Current work situation’. If this label states ‘Available’, we may assume that the helper is actually available. However, this cannot be guaranteed since the helper is responsible to keep his profile updated, including his current work situation. If ‘Employed’ is stated, we may assume that the helper currently has a job. In this case you’re still free to get in touch with the helper, however chances are that the helper won’t be willing to work for you.
Does the ‘No criminal record’ label guarantee that the helper does not have a criminal past?
No, as stated behind the label, the helper has confirmed that he has no criminal record while signing-up for the website. Domestic Helper Worldwide is not able to verify whether this statement is actually true or not.
I recently reviewed a helper. Why is my review not visible on the helpers’ profile?
Our team checks each submitted review manually before it is published to the website. In case your review is not published yet, that may be caused by full agendas on our side, or due to a conflict with our rules.
Get specialised help with the process of hiring a helper
I'm looking for help in order to guide me through the legal process of getting the right visa and more
Whether you're an employer or a helper, Domestic Helper Worldwide has partnered up with some external specialised agencies who can help you with this matter.